Create vehicle profiles once
send messages with a single tap later
More than 500 parking zones in
over 100 cities across Europe and counting
Automatic city and parking zone
detection based on your current location
Create a profile for each one of your cars and send parking messages with a single tap. Additionally, you can schedule sending SMS at a specified time up to 24 hours ahead.
Available parking zones are suggested automatically, based on your location. Parking position is detected and displayed on the map in the application along with the nearby parking zone bounds.
Your parking location can be displayed on the map within the application so you can navigate to your parking position later.
More than 500 parking zones in over 100 cities across Europe and counting! Automatic parking service message recognition and zones with sessions “Start/Stop” are supported in selected cities.
Currently supporting cities in Albania, Belarus, Bosnia i Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Lithuania, Macedonia, Montenegro, Romania, Russia, Serbia and Slovakia.
Choose from which SIM card to send messages on your dual SIM device. The app will remember your preference for each one of your cars. * Requires Android
Have questions? Email us at
Become a beta tester of the app and get early access to the latest and greatest new features!
Please be aware that the beta version may contain unfinished features that are subject to change.
This privacy policy explains why and how this web site may collect and use personally identifiable information.
The following is related to this web site only. Our mobile app has it's own Privacy policy.
(Legal disclosure in accordance with § 5 TMG, German language)
Tzvetan Natschev e.Kfm.
Postfach 4115,
D-50217 Frechen
Telefon: +49 2234 937 1073
E-Mail: info(at)smsparking(dot)app
DE 299 603 551
Tzvetan Natschev (Anschrift wie oben)
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SMS parking is an application for automated parking lot payment via SMS for pre-defined user car profiles. Sending a SMS message charges Your mobile plan with the price of 1 hour parking (or other period, depending on parking service terms) in the respective paid zone (value-added service) plus the price of the SMS message delivery according to your current mobile service payment plan.
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